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How to Prevent Ransomware Attack.
 1. Educate your Employees- security awareness training and do risk assessment
2. Enable Email security like spam filtering, Sender Policy Framework, DMARC and DKIM to prevent email threats.
3. Strong policy to scan inbound email attachments for malicious code, quarantine files from reaching end users.
4. Firewalls with UTM subscriptions to block malicious traffic
5. Always use End Point Security and do regular scan on the end user devices.
6. Limit the use of elevated privileged accounts (admin accounts) .These accounts should never be used for business end user logins.
7. Create specific access rights to those who need, use, know or are the custodians of the data.
8. Restrict software from executing without permission with the use of security policies.
9. Categorize your data according to  critical information, and take preventive measures for protecting critical business data.
10. Build a sound business recovery plan & insist on regular backup.

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